Saturday, May 5, 2012

3,840 Lunches

I have packed 3,840 school lunches - so far.  I started thinking about my kids lunches last week when I realized that Kevin will be going off to college soon and I would only pull out two brown paper bags every morning instead of three.  OK, I know, I am thinking about weird things as I prepare myself for Kevin's departure to the far away world of university living, but I think that is what "senior moms" (as we call ourselves) do.

There are an estimated 180 school days every year.  This is broken down over a 36 week period.  My kids were always allowed to buy lunch one day a week.  On the occasional week, two days.  There are also the special days when I would bring in McDonalds or they would have a pizza party in the room.  So. I have averaged 128 lunches a year for Kevin's 12 years, Sarah's 10 years, and Brian's 8.  Total:  3, 840 lunches! 

So the lunchtime adventure began.  My kids grew up in the world of half-day kindergarten.  This was before the 5 year olds spent an entire day at school, without a nap but with an IPad!  How old fashioned that seems right now.  When Kevin started 1st grade at Cline Elementary in Friendswood, Texas, he wanted the same thing for lunch EVERY SINGLE DAY!  I know your mind is quickly jumping to PB&J right?  That is what all kids want.  But no, not Kevin.  Kevin wanted a tuna fish sandwich on white bread.  Tuna - right from the can.  No mixing with celery, mayo, and onion.  No mixing with anything.  Just a can of tuna on bread.  I would go to Sam's Club - warehouse shop - and buy the tuna in bulk!  My pantry was stacked with those little Starkist cans.  It was quick and easy - but a little odd! 

As Kevin grew his palate expanded, Sarah and Brian's lunch were put in the mix, and we progressed through the land of ham and cheese, turkey and cheese, just cheese, chicken quesadillas (yes, really), salads, grilled cheese, and Luchables.  This year, as an 18 year old high school senior, and 12 years later, Kevin has finally arrived at the world renowed PB&J for lunch.  It took years to get here, but he has arrived!  

These are pretty odd things to think about I guess.  Some people also think it is odd that I still pack my kids' lunches, but it is just what I do.  It is a mom thing!  I remember when they were little and I would cut their sandwiches into shapes.  I had quite the collection of really big cookie cutters.  I would send in hearts, stars, diamonds, flowers.  It was so darn cute!  AND it was the best way to take the crusts off their bread.  (BTW - the old wives tale is true; if you don't eat your crusts you will never be able to whistle!)  I would also put little notes in the bags or boxes.  The simple "I love you" or "have a great day" or just a smiley face note was always a hit.

I began with one lunch bag, then two years later, two bags and yet another two years later, three bags.  They have lined the kitchen counter in five different houses every morning, left to right, oldest child to youngest child for years.  Next year will be odd.  I will only pack two bags.  I only have 768 lunches left to pack.  We will be at another new school - this is school number 7 for us.  Will those kids bring lunch or buy?  The burning question awaits!  I can hardly wait to find out.


1 comment:

  1. That's a LOT of lunches! In our home, it's Mr. Gruener's job, to make the lunches . . . do you remember Kaitlyn's LAST lunch? John scanned in pictures of her at Cline Elementary carrying her lunchbox . . . and put a note in her lunch saying that he'd be missing making her lunch. . . . I blogged about it here in case you missed it:

    The Last Lunch

    Counting down the days; your new schools await!!

