Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beach & Burn

Today we decided to spend another day at the beach. Kind of odd that we are enjoying it so much since we live 10 minutes from a really nice warm beach at home and NEVER go! Guess that is why this is called a vacation. We vacation from our real life and do different, fun things.

The waves were really high today and the boys and I had such fun diving in them, body surfing (kind of), and just splashing around. Since I never burn, I am the only one who didn't apply suntan lotion. I didn't apply any the other day either, and was just fine. Guess something was different today and I have obtained a little burn. Not bad, but just enough to make me hot and really feeling tired. It is Saturday night at 10:00 and Sarah, Brian, and I are all tucked into the hide-a-bed ready to watch some 1970's detective show....that is all they show here. Jim and Kevin headed out to a local theater to see what movies are around. Jim said that 10PM on a Saturday night is just to early to call it a night. Hmm..this is obviously vacation Jim!

I also have to add a note about how much I am enjoying watching Jim and Kevin together. I mean, Jim and all the kids are great, but seeing my almost 18 year old boy having such a good time with his dad is awesome. My brother is 10 years older than me, so I don't remember seeing he and my dad having such silly times. Jim and Kevin laugh together, share stories, wrestle in the water and just really enjoy each others' company. I am so blessed. I don't know how or why I was given such great kids, but I do know it is a blessing from above.

Tomorrow is our last day here. Not sure what we'll do. We've seen all the sights of Barcelona. The boys want another beach day, but not sure I'm up to that again. Maybe Sarah and I will hit the shops. We would like to ride the gondola, but the winds have been so strong, it is just too scary for a few of us (no names mentioned).

So, off to bed. Still just loving my vacation and the time with the kids and my sweetie. Such a rare gift.

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